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    Member of &#;Little Rock Nine&#; describes painful segregation experience

    The Little Rock Nine are marched into Central High School by U.S. troops sent to the school by President Eisenhower.

    Photo courtesy of U.S. Army.

    Carlotta Walls LaNier knows segregation firsthand — she was in the middle of one of the most important events in the civil rights movement. Walls was the youngest member of the “Little Rock Nine,” the group of nine African-American students who desegregated Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., in

    Her story is one that “shows that determination, fortitude and the ability to move the world aren’t reserved for the ‘special people,’” she told people gathered Sept.

    16 for DU’s Women’s Library Association lecture series.

    The admittance of black students into Central High School in sparked a nationwide crisis when the Arkansas National Guard, under the order of Gov. Orval Faubus, prevented the students from entering the school.

    President Dwight Eisenhower resp