Siapa al hasan al basri biography
Kisah hasan al basri
Hasan al-basri sufi!
Short Biography of Imam Hasan Al-Basri
category: History & Biographies
He was one of the most renowned tabi`een (the generation after the death of the Prophet ) and prominent figures of his time.
He was a jurist and a scholar. He was a pious and devout person. He was famous for his eloquence, inspiring speeches, wisdom, asceticism, and deep knowledge.
Siapa al hasan al basri biography
He is the revered tabi`ee and the scholar of the people of Basrah, Abu Sa`eed Al-Hasan Ibn Abi Al-Hasan Ibn Yasaar Al-Basri.
Birth and early years
Al-Hasan Al-Basri was born in Al-Madeenah in 21 A.H., A.C. during the caliphate of the leader of the Believers, `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab .
Both his parents were slaves. His father became a prisoner of war when the Muslims conquered Misaan, an area between Basrah and Waasit in Iraq. His father embraced Islam and lived inAl-Madeenah where he married a bondwoman called Khayyirah who was the maid-slave of Umm Salamh the wife of the Prophet.
The Mother of the Believ