Gabe swaggart biography
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Gabe swaggart biography
Gabriel Swaggart serves as an associate pastor at Family Worship Center, the home church and headquarters of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (JSM), a global evangelism organization founded more than 60 years ago by his grandparents, Evangelist Jimmy and Frances Swaggart.
Weekly, he also hosts the internationally broadcast Sonlife Broadcasting Network’s Generation of the Cross.
His show discusses topics of particular interest to youth. He serves as the associate pastor of Family Worship Center, the home church and headquarters of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, which was established by his grandparents, Evangelist Jimmy and Frances Swaggart.
Before Fame Gabriel was the Youth Pastor at Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he heads up the Crossfire youth group.
He also organizes and leads the International Youth Conference held annually in July at the Family Worship Center. Pastor Gabe has been in the Ministry since 2002, with a variety of resp