Paul cezanne famous paintings

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    What Are Paul Cezanne’s Most Famous Paintings?

    Widely recognized today as the ‘Father of Modern Art,’ French post-impressionist painter Paul Cezanne made some of the most monumental artworks of the late 19th and early 20th century.

    He took the fresh, en plein air vibrancy of Impressionism in a bold new direction, exploring how real-life objects and places could be deconstructed into faceted, structural planes.

    Paul cezanne famous paintings

  • Paul cezanne famous paintings
  • Paul cezanne famous paintings easy
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  • Paul cézanne cubism
  • Paul cezanne easy paintings
  • But perhaps most radical was his exploration into multiple perspective within a single image, opening up questions about the nature of perception, which went on to shape the Cubist art of Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. Below, we take a look through Cezanne’s most ground-breaking paintings, many of which were made towards the latter part of his career.


    The Gulf of Marseille Seen from L’Estaque, 1885

    From the 1870s onwards, Cezanne made at least 20 paintings in the French fishing village of L’Estaque. They mark a pivotal moment in his life, when he moved