Alice joyce davidson biography samples

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  • Alice joyce davidson biography samples

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  • Alice in bibleland storybooks
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  • Alice in bibleland storybooks...

    The Story of Jonah

    January 17, 2023
    Take a walk through the story

    This book covers the bible story of Jonah and his attempt to hide from God instead of taking the message the Lord wants him to deliver to the city of Nineveh.

    I remember reading these Alice in Bibleland storybooks when I was young, one of the few I did read, and I fell in love with them.

    One section, that is in each of the books of this series, stuck with me through the years. After the airmail bird would deliver a note to the main character that stated, “Reading is the magic key to take you where you want to be,” the character’s storybook would become a giant screen that could be walked through to enter the story they had been reading.

    The author wrote this story as the main character being an observer while the events unfolded in front of their eyes, then at the end, that character would walk back through the screen and reflect upon the lessons they had learned from what they saw.

    The author does an amazing job