What was booker t washington accomplishments

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    Booker T. Washington’s Parents and Early Life

    Booker Taliaferro Washington was born on April 5, 1856 in a hut in Franklin County, Virginia. His mother was a cook for the plantation’s owner.

    His father, a white man, was unknown to Washington. At the close of the Civil War, all the enslaved people owned by James and Elizabeth Burroughs—including 9-year-old Booker, his siblings, and his mother—were freed.

    What was booker t washington accomplishments

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  • Booker t washington early life
  • Booker t washington impact
  • Jane moved her family to Malden, West Virginia. Soon after, she married Washington Ferguson, a free Black man.

    Booker T. Washington’s Education

    In Malden, Washington was only allowed to go to school after working from 4-9 AM each morning in a local salt works before class.

    It was at a second job in a local coalmine where he first heard two fellow workers discuss the Hampton Institute, a school for formerly enslaved people in southeastern Virginia founded in 1868 by Brigadier General Samuel Chapman.

    Chapman had been a leader of Black troops for the Union during the Civil War and was