Saint pedro calungsod prayer for healing

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  • Saint pedro calungsod prayer for healing

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    Novena Prayer to Saint Pedro Calungsod

    Novena Prayer List


    Opening Prayer
    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ, we kneel before you in worship, praise, and thanksgiving for the infinite love that you have shown to us sinners through your humble Incarnation, bitter Passion and cruel death on the Cross.  By your wounds, we are healed.  By your death, we are restored to life.  Forgive us for not having returned love for your love.  In your suffering, you have left us an example so that we may follow in your footsteps.  The life of your young martyr and our brother, Saint Pedro Calungsod proves to us that it is possible to follow you even unto death.  Be pleased with this novena that we are making in his memory.  With his help, we shall strive to be living witnesses to your love through patient endurance in daily trials and selfless service to our neighbor, so