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    98 Half The Story Quotes To Inspire You

    Updated: by Team

    Following is our list of half the story quotations and slogans full of insightful wisdom and perspective about one side of the story.

    Famous Half The Story Quotes

    A story is only half told if there is only one side presented.

    Icelandic Proverbs


    A half truth is a whole lie. — Yiddish Proverbs


    He hears but half who hears one party only.



    Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you. — Kahlil Gibran


    To the good listener, half a word is enough.

    Danish Proverbs


    A half-truth masquerading as the whole truth becomes a complete untruth. — J.

    Robert half quotes biography of barack obama

    I. Packer


    Half the game is mental, the other half is being mental. — Jim McKenny


    Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.

    Robert Frost


    A half-truth is the most cowardly